Friday, January 16, 2009

The Miracle on the Hudson A Mans Story

Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III was the pilot of US Airways flight 1549. Upon take off the veteran commercial pilot of 29 years immediately noticed that there was a serious problem with two birds having gotten into the engines. It was serious but he knew what to do at every turn.

As I heard the story over and over again how he headed for a runway but lost power and was forced to do the only thing possible: Land on the Hudson River, I get chill bumps. He miraculously set it down on the water without destroying the fuselodge or the wings. It was a miracle he kept the plane together.

Almost immediately ferrys on the river moved in and all 155 passengers got off and the last one was Captain Sully after he checked to make sure all passengers were off several times.

This Man is a real American Hero he started flying at the age of 14, he served as a pilot in our military, and after 29 years as a commercial pilot the critical time came when his lifetime of experience led him to handle the plane without power and land it perfectly on the Hudson River. He made all the right moves but i'm sure you have heard the story.

He acted as American men have always acted and I understand that the other men on the plane were calm and organized letting the women and children get off first. You see thats how real men Act.

Thats how we all hope we will respond if the time comes that we can put our lives on the line. He did it, those passengers did it. Let me take a moment to compare these men and the men in our armed forces, to the enemies we face all over the world. Enemies which hide in mosques, fight disquised as civilians or worse as women. Enemies which hide behind their women and children. Enemies which bomb schools and buses. Enemies which chop off our soldiers heads on film. Enemies who want to destroy America. Enemies that are defended at times by well meaning or....are they well meaning, sometimes I wonder Americans. These Americans have perhaps forgotten how our men really act. Well this is a reminder. Our heroes are like Sully they land Airplanes on the Hudson river saving 155 lives they go house to house at huge risk to avoid hurting the innocent. Our enemies land planes in our towers just to destroy innocent people and and strap on bombs in subways and schools and.....They would Like to Again.

God Bless America and God help her to have more men that we can call heroes.